You don’t need to be always fishing for your keys

A well-thought out security system is offering you convenience while being prepared for the worst case scenarios. We’ve all had that morning where we are running late because we can’t seem to remember the “safe” place we last left our keys.

According to the “Lost & Found Survey” by Pixie, a smart location solution for iPhones that uses augmented reality to actually SHOW the location of misplaced objects, this is a common occurrence with most Nigerians spending 7.5 days a year looking for misplaced items.

Also in a situation of emergency the time it takes to find your keys and manually unlock the door could potentially make a high-risk situation worse.

A similar principle also applies to the old feeling of not being sure whether or not you left your door locked on your way out… Just think about it, are you really 100% sure your door is locked right now? Kitchen stove and iron are of course close contenders 😉 Internet- connected devices allow real-time remote access to your OVO SMART LOCK (and other OVO SMART home products) over the Internet via a gateway so you can always look up their status. A traditional lock will remain in this ‘undetermined’ state until someone actually gets there and checks it – if you’ve experienced this you’ll agree it can get stressful.

Yet another feature may guarantee you’d never have to worry about going to bed without locking the door – just program your smart lock to auto-lock every day after 10pm and the responsibility is all taken care of.